Saturday 28 April 2012

From the countryside.
This had to be the big 'what the hell are you doing  with your life?!?' moment for me. I had resorted to drawing dots. Yep dots. Definitely time to get back to London.

Inspired by a song by'The Phoenix Foundation' who have slowly but surely become the soundtrack to my life these past few weeks.
Since the end of my foundation course I felt content retreating into a world of lazy days, endless cups of tea and generally doing nothing in the countryside - but then I started doing these doodles and decided it was probably about time to get back to London, find inspiration and do something useful!
'Am quite alright hiding tonight.....'

These shots were taken in my back garden, I like the ethereal, dreamlike quality the blurred finish gives them. 

Love how comforting a fully stocked, home country pantry  is. Probably my favourite room back at home.

Ahhh cake.....almost love decorating cakes  as much as eating them! Well, almost.
Just like Napoleon's Liger, this Highland Cow is pretty much my favourite animal.

Country Bumpkin

I love baking, knitting and hiking - throw in a good pub every once in a while and I'm set for life. The things on this blog are just the little things in life that make me happy. When that fails I just remind myself of these wise words:

'It could be worse, you could be a slug.'