Wednesday 14 May 2014

Ah the sun has been out, the weekend is on the horizon and this week I started my white-card model for my self directed project!

Could definitely be neater! Need to do the columns next!

With the sun being out in London this evening, I decided to enjoy the weather with a bit of a walk to Somerset House and Southbank, where I did some sketching. Got to love a bit of people watching.....

Thursday 8 May 2014

After a lovely sunny bank holiday that consisted of yoga, seeing the parents, kilo vintage clothes sale, an afternoon drinking prosecco on a boat and having friends cook for me this week has been a struggle as had fully succumbed to holiday mode, so having spent today running around fabric shopping and costume organizing, I am home with my feet up drinking a pretty well deserved brew!
Why am I feeling zonked?
At the minute I am undertaking a work Placement at English National Opera (ENO) where I have dabbled in millinery, broken down a fair few things in their dye department and just general costume jobs - I even got to go to the 'meet and great' at 3 Mills Studio where I got to meet the director of their upcoming opera 'Cellini', only blooming Terry Gilliam!!

Alongside my six week placement, which I am already nearly halfway through!! I have to complete a self-directed project where I design a space for any performer in the whole wide world.....naturally I have chosen Eddie Izzard. Due to his love of Europe, History, languages and ability to actually speak latin the space he is performing in are some ruins by Teatro Di Marcello in Rome, the concept is a mash up of Roman, 1930s Cabaret and German Expressionism all with an overriding ingredient of 'Executive Transvestite.' It is really enjoyable to get the chance to do something so different, thing is technical drawing is not my forte, so slight downside.....


Planning the audience's route.....


Technical drawing. Shudder.

Over the holidays I was asked to do some illustrations for a beauty magazine, all a bit vague but the launch is on the 15th so hopefully know more about the actual magazine soon?! But this is what they wanted.....

This week is also my last few days of being 21, I might be getting older, but Birthday time means time for some fun shenanigans this weekend!