Wednesday 25 July 2012

Idol scribblings.....

Pretty obsessed with trees atm.....throw in my love for old, tattered, weathered characters and fantasy a voilĂ !


Hello summer! The Great British summer has arrived, so will probably have ended tomorrow, nevertheless I took advantage of the glorious weather on my day off by wandering through the grounds of Chatsworth -  I love that place, it's my happy place.

Ah cows, ha they remind me of being at home, chilling in the country.

So.....had a couple of spare hours, this happened.....

SO.MUCH.FUN. Easily amused.Simple things :)

Oh and yes, that is Harry Potter.

 House keepimg = not fun. Cake = fun. I therefore made a couple of lemon drizzle cakes to take into work with me, the result of this math and logic? A much happier day.

I was missing the amount of flowers I normally cram the flat in London with, so  Mum got me  these beauts .


Friday 13 July 2012

Childhood memories, ah..... while looking through old albums with Mum the other day I found some brilliant photos.

We had the most incredible dressing up box, full to the brim with dresses, petticoats, feather boas and even a leopard print shirt? It definitely gave hours of amusement. We also had a couple of disney costumes, Fran had Esmerelda from the Hunchback of Notre Dame and Jasmine from Aladdin, while I had a Snow White costume I adored, alongside these we both had Pocohantas costumes.....

In my head I looked identical to Nakoma. Fran never let me be Pocohantas.

This one I love purely for the expression - clearly believe that I look incredible in my dress.

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Ahhh, these past couple of weeks I undertook some great work experience helping out in the wradrobe dpartment for the Buxton Festival - if you're around about the area go check it out! It was a really enjoyable experience, not only did I get to do some bits of practical work myself but I met some lovely people and was priviledged to see all three productions in the rehearsal stages and for real!!! Have definitely landed back on earth with a massive thud at my part time job house keeping I can tell you.....

A few pointers scribbled down that I picked up along the way and a quick sketch of a hat designed by Russel Craig.

Drawing in my sketchbook diary of what the chorus wear in Jeptha. Fetching.

As a fair well gift the lovely wardrobe department gave me these designs of Russel Craig's signed and framed! Am so chuffed with them, I actually love them as not only are his drawings exquisite they hold happy memories of my time at the festival and are one of a kind. They are going to take pride of place back in the flat next year and serve as inspiration for my own design work.

Designs for the 'Double Bill' - 'The Maiden in the Tower' and 'Kaschei the Immortal.'

Alongside these beautiful designs Mark, Sue and Vicki also gave me these lovely presents as a thank you and a goodbye, I was really touched and taken aback - hopefully it means I wasn't completely useless!


Today we finally had a summer evening, so after being at work since
8am I was desperate for some outdoor air and to enjoy this rare sunshine.....


Don't ask cause I really don't know.....

Where all the best walks end. A pub.

Field next door, yep those sheep are the closest thing we have to neighbours.

Wimbledon cupcakes - strawberries and cream..... to celebrate a Brit getting to the final, these little cakes seemed fitting!

May have got slightly carried away on the baking front.....

Thursday 5 July 2012

Random fun, time spent wisely.


Friends coming over? Mandatory that I make CAKE. Coincidently most of the time we meet up at my house.....

This is all rather belated! However looking forward toward starting my degree in September I started reminiscing about the costumes I designed this past year on Foundation.....

Design for Long John Silver.

Sourdust - keeper of ritual in Gormenghast.

Costume and beginnings of a story about a human slowly turning into a pigeon in order to escape the stresses of life.....

Ok so this isn't a costume.....but I couldn't resist  imagining the entrance to Gormanghast library.

Family Tree - worn by a very old Lady, as though it's her past  - layer upon layer of stories and history.

Billy Bones costume. The old sea dog, sea - crusted and rum - soaked. Made the 'Sea - crust' from cat food pellets, yes really, and  the shells from DAS clay which I then painted.

Estragon, 'Waiting for Godot.' I created the muddy, mouldy affect on the  coat and shoes by using a mixture of porridge oats and wheatabix mixed with ink and PVA then added a light dusting of Fuller's Earth. Lovely.

Quite an eclectic mix.