Monday 16 June 2014

Well this week has been my sister Lucy's and Mum's Birthday! This means plenty of baking and home-made fun.....

Birthday Breeeakfaast!

Love granola a little bit too much.

Birthday sign? Wrapping paper, card, glue, string and pegs. Voila.

Courgette cake with chocolate cream cheese frosting.

Lucy's Birthday cake! Bluberry with white chocolate cream cheese frosting!!

A couple of brilliant cards from Fran and Tom.

Loving the balloons.

Unfortunately I got slightly carried away and we had too much cake for two people so the courgette one made it's way to college, don't think my friends minded.

The weather has also been pretty darn good all week, so I did the odd spot of park sketching.....

On top of Birthday fun I also went for champagne afternoon tea, saw the West End musical 'Dirty Rotten Scoundrels'starring Robert Lindsay, Rufus Hound and Samantha Bond - VERY funny, visited the 'Glamour of Italian Fashion' exhibition at the V&A plus got to be a puppeteer for the day.....

Yep, that is me, Kat and Zak having a play with Puppet Barge's puppets.

Monday 2 June 2014

Today was my last day at ENO, we got to watch the dress rehearsal of Cellini, was fun seeing the bits and pieces I worked on or sourced throughout the 6 weeks up on stage doing it's thing! My self-directed Space project is also coming to an end with my final presentation tomorrow.....

The Coliseum ENO.

Ticket from today, confetti from the overture and a lovely thank you card from the costume supervisor Sarah Bowern!

Good to know I seemed to do well despite my hand-cream in paint moment..... 

Notes and sketches from over the 6 weeks where I got to do everything from dye work, to sewing, visiting a film studio, sitting in on fittings, buying, sourcing and even drawing tattoos!

Spotted this at Kings Cross.

After the dress Snow and I had free time, on a Monday! Woo so after a cheeky margarita we did some rooftop sketching.....

But after a while we sadly had to make a move and get on doing some college work for our separate self-directed projects and get my head in the right place for tomorrow.....

My white card model, done and dusted.

Looking good Eddie. Roman cabaret executive action transvestite mash up.

Am well excited for when this is finished because then my summer starts and with some fun plans including Birthdays, champagne afternoon tea, theatre, a trip to New York and Wimbledon on the horizon June is looking pretty gosh darn fun.