Thursday 4 April 2013

I am a country bumpkin loud and proud so today I had a wander around a little exhibit celebrating landscape and how it captures imagination.....there is something very attractive and captivating about the world around us that I am often drawn to when sketching. It gives me the chance to create an escape.

The following pictures were the ones that really stood out to me.....

'Tree Structure (Plateau).'

Axel Antas.

The artist finishes his pieces by covering his drawing with a blanket of pencil creating a grey light suggesting humans can never quite reach or understand nature, as though a curtain keeps it hidden from us.

'Sappho's Leap.'
Edward Lea.

'Trees and Rocks.'
John Ruskin.

For me, the pieces really evoke the sensation and character of the landscape, rather then just being beautifully recorded images.

Scribbles I jotted down while there.

Looking back at previous posts it is pretty clear I like to dabble with good old tree and nature inspired doodles. These are a mix of new and past 
sketches and images that have been inspired by the landscapes that surround me in the Shire.....

'He who walks humbly with nature will seldom be in danger of losing sight of Art.'
                                                                                                        - Ruskin. 

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