Monday 9 September 2013

Summer is drawing to a close, term starts again in October so am filling up my remaining free-time with some pomp and circumstance, tea and wonderland.

Couple of sketches from my train journey back to the concrete jungle.....

I headed back down south for Proms in the Park, despite these rather dramatic clouds it thankfully remained dry, and with a picnic of Pimms, popcorn, scones with cream and jam, whiskey, falafel and red wine Lucy and I were set for a night of Bryan Ferry, Terry Wogan and of course some flag waving.....

'Do you have a flaaaaag?'
Nice hat.

Lucy getting her wave on.

Proper British night.

Today, while wandering the rainy streets of London I happened upon the National Portrait Gallery for a potter around the BP Portrait Award, and after the crowds and general fluster of umbrellas I was ready to head home for a cuppa.

My beautiful teapot and cup got my all inspired and thinking about the Wonderland's  Mad Hatter, and his vast array of slightly worse for wear cups and saucers. Anyway, this happened.....

I wanted the powder to give the illusion of debris and dust from the broken and old china ware - may have gone overboard!

Still thinking about Alice in Wonderland I knocked out a couple of illustrations. One for the White Rabbit, the other the Walrus.....

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